A little about me..

While working as a full time freelance Cinematographer, years ago I became frustrated with my on set monitors not matching the footage when it got into post. With every light these days being either bi color and or fully color tunable in my opinion being able to see the results of your adjustments as the camera sees it is critical. Through my research I learned most production monitoring companies (yes even that one) calibrate their monitors in batches and not individually, this is especially true for 5 and 7 inch onboard camera monitors. More often than not my clients are sending me monitors completely new from the dealer and having me calibrate them, the inconsistency of the factory results is really quite shocking. Technology has advanced enough that the hardware can support a bright yet still accurate image, so why not take advantage of that? This is what I set out to solve. Now after many years of research, experimentation, and problem solving I’ve reached a point where I can repeatably and reliably get consistently accurate results. Coupling my everyday professional field use with calibration experience has allowed me to provide the best results possible.

Thanks for your interest,

Brandon Habuda

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